Monday, May 4, 2015

Golan Levin

Golan Levin's AMA video is fascinating.  He is an extremely intelligent man and I love his use of experimental 3D Cinema on himself as he is answering questions about technology and life.  I thoroughly enjoyed the part of the video when the camera angle changed to looking up at his chin starting at his hands.  The distortion of his detail as a human made the video and what he was saying more powerful.  Levin's ideas about open source government are pretty interesting and insightful.  I loved when he was discussing neurons and the entire atmosphere being connected, as a distortion himself.  Levin really enhanced himself as a person using 3D effects, making what he was saying even more interesting.  The idea of all of our kinetics being interconnected is proven in this video.  The grid lines and black out spots represent us as figures in space.  I am going to recommend this video to others and research more about several topics Levin discussed.   

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