Sunday, January 25, 2015

Insight from a Microbiologist

Raul Cuero, PhD. is a man with many incredible perspectives on how people should see the world around them. With his background, he has the ability to understand and appreciate different aspects of life that young generations are starting to take advantage of. Dr. Cuero's ideals on how to overcome criticism are applicable to every person with goals: take the criticism and use it as a force to compel you to continue further. This type of mindset will be genuinely useful to my career, because I expect as I continue to be a voice for animals, I will make many enemies. I plan to take Dr. Cuero's advice with me as I live day by day. Being creative allows people to understand themselves and pursue new objectives. I learn to appreciate the people around me for the qualities that make them truly unique. Each person has the ability to conquer their dreams, and fight for their opinions. Through creativity, people can share their thoughts and respectively understand one another without limitations.

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