Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Performance Art

The theme for this performance art is happiness. Therefore, I incorporated my love for drumming, being outside, and being around the cats I volunteer with into the performance. I utilized environmental tools as a way to make sound on my wooden cajun drum (the tree sticks and flowers). My greatest happiness comes from caring for the environment around me and admiring the beauty of the organic and inorganic matter that defines the quality of our surrounding ecosystem.  I hoped to inspire others to take the time to stop and appreciate the life around them and dance to their own beat.  The best thing about life, is you define your own path and can create your own rhythm.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Xerox Project

For my project I was portraying the feeling of trying to break through struggles I have encountered throughout my life. When you fall through a frozen lake or ocean, resurfacing is difficult, especially when the hole you fell through originally cannot be found. My face and hands in the center of the collage represents the constant pushing and fighting I have to do to accomplish my goals against the solid, clear surface. As much as I try, mistakes are continuously being made. All of my features surrounding the center face and hands create a rippling effect that water creates when a rock is thrown into it. The rippling of water represents the motion of life and how, even if I need to stop, hopefully I can get back into the current to continue living and enjoying myself while learning. A crack starting at the top left corner extends to the left hand in the center. This crack shows that there is always a way to solve a problem or exceed expectations, with just a little hard work and dedication, the crack can be broken and I can resurface again.